Follow the prompts on the screen to install Silverlight onto the computer Close and re-open your web browser to allow Silverlight to load (in some instances it may be necessary to restart the computer).Click Open on the prompt that says 'Silverlight.pkg is not from the Mac App Store, are you sure you want to open it?'.Right click or hold Control and click on Silverlight.pkg.Double click on the file, and click install now.Once this installer is downloaded navigate to your downloads folder and find the file, which will be called Silverlight_圆4 or Silverlight_x32 depending on your computer. Download the Silverlight installer from Microsoft's. Go to Control Panel > Programs & Features > look for Microsoft Silverlight in the program list - if it's there right click & uninstall. It is strongly advised that you uninstall previous versions and do a fresh installation rather than upgrading as conflicting installations can otherwise occur. Microsoft Silverlight is a browser plugin that you will need to be able to playback Mediasite lectures in your web browser. › ▆ Silverlight Plugin For Mac Not Working